Mario Galvagni Artworks

Mario Galvagni Artworks

Portfolio Description

Mario Galvagni (1928-2020) was born in Milan and graduated from the Polytechnic in 1953, after studying at the “Scuola del Libro” of the Humanitarian Society – the Italian Bauhaus – and the Accademia di Brera, where he took a diploma in painting. In Milan he worked with some famous names like Gio Ponti, Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini, but his strong sense of identity soon took him in a direction of his own. As well as in architecture and painting, he showed an interest in physics, becoming a research fellow of the Società Italiana di Fisica in 1981 and start his own research on the Gestalt Ecology Form theory. For him the Ecology of Form is created from formal matrices: the elements, which the local communities have identified in the place where they live and use to design construction in the territory. It will be the artist’s task to identify the formal matrices and reprocess them in a new language, by exchanging information and taking on the role of listener towards nature and man, and then inserting all these informations in his art-work.

Galvagni Art Exhibition

Rosso del Barone Bottle and Painting

internoconfruttae mariacristina
angelo dal collo grecato

Immagini cantiere Rozzano

Immagini cantiere Rozzano 2

autoritratto con frammenti d_angelo

ritratto di gloria e Ursino