Welcome to Mahattama Giri Kusuma Ashram !
Love and light meditation combines various esoteric energies such as Reiki, Shamballa, Merkaba, Golden Flower of Light, Light Christ life Consciousness and a New Life Exercise (Orhiba). The meditation techniques are packed by Grand Master Meditation Love and light Mr. Ida Bagus Dalem Argawana, a native son of Grya Budha Denpasar. Then, he named the meditation technique “LOVE AND LIGHT MEDITATION”. This kind of meditation will be able to provide a direction and guidance to anyone who wants to develop his own energy to gain spiritual enlightenment toward true consciousness. And to achieve the goal of living in harmony, peace, health, secure peace in the balance.
What will you expect after learning the love and light meditation ?
- You can heal yourself and assist the healing of others.
- You can program the body’s energy protection, home and other objects.
- Your kundalini will be activated
- You will have the ability to channel the energy from other dimensions, planets and galaxies.
The purpose of learning love and light meditation is :
- Generating energy healing within themselves to help others.
- Develop and activate chakras, at least 16 chakras.
- Kundalini and sixth sense becomes active.
- Make ourselves channels purest of energies of love and
sacred light of god. - Help overcome the problem of physical, mental and emotional.
- Able to protect the family, the home, the goods over long distances.
- To balance the emotions and self confidence.
- and many other benefits.
Who can follow the love and light meditation?
Love and light is a high-level science that energy is very subtle and terrible and universal, so it can be learned by anyone who has been 14 years old or over. Love and light meditation free from elements of race, religion, ethnicity.
Motto of love and light meditation is:
Think wisely how to live healthy and be healthy with meditation.